
Funny Book Forensics 251 Squashed Like a Beetle

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Episode 251: Part 2 Squashed Like a Beetle
Greg and Dan finish part 2 of Ted Kord’s “last appearance”. They dive deep into the story and how to utilize *spoiler* the death of a character.
Additionally, there is lots of discussion about the history of the Blue Beetle!

Countdown to Infinite Crisis was created by all these folks: Writers – Geoff Johns, Greg Rucka, Judd Winich; Artists: Chapter 1: Rags Morales, Michael Bair, Moose Baumann – colors Chapter 2: Ed Benes, Hi-Fi-Colors Chapter 3: Jesus Saiz, Jimmy Palmiotti, Paul Mounts – Colors Chapter 4: Ivan Reis, Marc Campos, Guy Major – Colors Chapter 5: Phil Jimenez, Andy Lanning, Steve Firchow; Colors Nick Napolitano – Letters; Jann Jones, Dan Didio Editors

So join us! and Read along with the links below:
Countdown to Infinite Crisis DC Universe
Countdown to Infinite Crisis comiXology – free BTW
Blue Beetle Companion 
Jack Kirby Collector 79 — OMAC
Follow us on social media: https://twitter.com/funnybook4n6 https://www.instagram.com/funnybook4n6/ https://www.facebook.com/FunnyBookForensics
Greg: https://twitter.com/ThatAmazingTwit https://www.instagram.com/thatamazingtwit
Dan: https://twitter.com/DanSchabot
Follow us on social media: https://twitter.com/funnybook4n6 https://www.instagram.com/funnybook4n6/ https://www.facebook.com/FunnyBookForensics
Greg: https://twitter.com/ThatAmazingTwit https://www.instagram.com/thatamazingtwit
Dan: https://twitter.com/DanSchabot

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Funny Book Forensics 250 Beetlemania

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Episode 250: Beetlemania Part 1
Greg and Dan start part one of Beetlemania. Who is Batman holding on the cover? 
The history of the Blue Beetle is one of the most fascinating comic stories from the Golden Age to Now. We explore the history of the character while reviewing Ted Kord’s “last story” (well not really last story right!).

Plus it was created by all these folks: Writers – Geoff Johns, Greg Rucka, Judd Winich; Artists: Chapter 1: Rags Morales, Michael Bair, Moose Baumann – colors Chapter 2: Ed Benes, Hi-Fi-Colors Chapter 3: Jesus Saiz, Jimmy Palmiotti, Paul Mounts – Colors Chapter 4: Ivan Reis, Marc Campos, Guy Major – Colors Chapter 5: Phil Jimenez, Andy Lanning, Steve Firchow; Colors Nick Napolitano – Letters; Jann Jones, Dan Didio Editors

So join us! and Read along with the links below:
Countdown to Infinite Crisis DC Universe
Countdown to Infinite Crisis comiXology – free BTW
Blue Beetle Companionhttps://www.comixology.com/Countdown-to-Infinite-Crisis-1/digital-comic/9092?ref=c2VhcmNoL2luZGV4L2Rlc2t0b3Avc2xpZGVyTGlzdC90b3BSZXN1bHRzU2xpZGVy
Follow us on social media: https://twitter.com/funnybook4n6 https://www.instagram.com/funnybook4n6/ https://www.facebook.com/FunnyBookForensics
Greg: https://twitter.com/ThatAmazingTwit https://www.instagram.com/thatamazingtwit
Dan: https://twitter.com/DanSchabot

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Funny Book Forensics 249 John Stewart

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Greg and Dan continue the conversation on one-off and throw-away characters. Guy Gardner was the other “man without fear” in the DC Universe until he got hit by a bus.  John Stewart steps in to be the new back-up Green Lantern on Earth in Green Lantern (Vol. 2) 87. 
Like most of the Green Lantern/Green Arrow run this issue challenges social norms taking racism head-on. We also discuss the sales free fall that led to cancellation of one of the most influential comics runs in history.
This Bronze Age gem features stories by Denny O’Neil and Elliot S! Maggin. The amazing art is by legends Neil Adams and Dick Giordano. 
Show Notes Links:
Green Lantern 87 DC Universe
Green Lantern 87 comiXology
Green Lantern Mosaic — Hunt the Dollar Bins until it is online
Follow us on social media: https://twitter.com/funnybook4n6 https://www.instagram.com/funnybook4n6/ https://www.facebook.com/FunnyBookForensics
Greg: https://twitter.com/ThatAmazingTwit https://www.instagram.com/thatamazingtwit
Dan: https://twitter.com/DanSchabot

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Funny Book Forensics 248 Guy’s Time

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Greg and Dan review Green Lantern 59 to follow-up the conversation in Episode 247 on throw-away characters. Guy Gardner the other “man without fear” in the DC Universe debuts in a story written by John Broome and drawn by legendary Artist Gil Kane.
We salivate over Kane’s art and “enjoy” Broome’s story. We discuss the use of Gardner as a one off character. We also have a little fun looking at how Silver Age DC Comics approach social issues.
Don’t miss this one because we continue the discussion in Episode 249.
Show Notes Links:
Green Lantern 59 DC Universe
Green Lantern 59 comiXology
Showcase 22 DC Universe
Showcase 22 comiXology
Alter Ego 149 — Gil Kane
Follow us on social media: https://twitter.com/funnybook4n6 https://www.instagram.com/funnybook4n6/ https://www.facebook.com/FunnyBookForensics
Greg: https://twitter.com/ThatAmazingTwit https://www.instagram.com/thatamazingtwit
Dan: https://twitter.com/DanSchabot

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Funny Book Forensics 247 Socially Distant

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On Episode 247 of Funny Book Forensics Dan and Greg discuss Superheroes who can’t fit into their costumes and Superheroes who are not fit for their costumes!
They review Justice League America Issue 52 “Fight of the Century” where Guy Gardner and Blue Beetle FIGHT! 
We also discuss comic conventions and the local comic shops scene during the social distancing rules due to Covid-19.
Show links:
JUSTICE LEAGUE AMERICA (1987-1996) #52 on DC Universe
Follow us on social media:https://twitter.com/funnybook4n6https://www.instagram.com/funnybook4n6/https://www.facebook.com/FunnyBookForensics
Dan: https://twitter.com/DanSchabot

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Funny Book Forensics Promo

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Funny Book Forensics is a Comic Book Review Podcast with life long friends comic book historian Dan Schabot and comic book writer Greg Smith. We talk about of all things, comics!

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