Funny Book Forensics 280 Russian into Trouble with Dick

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Dan and Greg get back into Midnighter with issue 4 and 5 and Midnighter is really into Dick… Grayson!  Grayson guest stars, not Robin, not Nightwing, Grayson!  

As always we dig into the issues. We also discuss writing when the company makes you do a crossover. Dan expresses his displeasure over the Grayson character in general. Finally, we give you some bad hotel tips! In the end Midnighter finds Matt and that is all that matters for now.

Issue 4: Writer: Steve Orlando; Pencils: Stephen Mooney; Inks: Stephen Mooney; Colors: Romulo Fajardo Jr. Cover: ACO and Fajardo Jr.

Issue 5: Writer: Steve Orlando; Pencils: Stephen Mooney; Inks: Stephen Mooney; Colors: Romulo Fajardo Jr. Cover: ACO and Fajardo Jr.

Read the books:

Issue 4: Comixology, DC Infinite

Issue 5: Comixology, DC Infinite

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